Landing page for e-shop with decorations
www.dekoracedopokoje.czBelow you will find a list of my personal projects that are still active
Landing page for e-shop with decorations
www.dekoracedopokoje.czE-shop with handmade decorations, such as children's meters on the wall
www.tvorimeslaskou.czWeb application for predicting soccer results (web version of my old windows project called SportMan NET)
www.mujtiket.czA web application where users can create an online advent calendar for their friends
www.advent-kalendar.czPortal for book readers where they can find inspiration and book descriptions. The project was established in 2008
www.knihovnicka.netHere is an overview of my other work
Ordering system for the Vělopolí mini-farm. Technology: Angular + Node.js
sazenice.farmavelopoli.czMassage services
www.byniki.beE-shop - Specialized store
www.vladkub.czGoogle Chrome extension for Czech TV Provider PODA (https://live.poda.tv)
Visit the projectTheater video portal
tdivadlo.tvportal.czTheater video portal (no longer active)
ksa.tvportal.czSchool video portal (no longer active)
spstv.tvportal.czSchool video portal (no longer active)
cssodry.tvportal.czCompany website
www.zona24.czHere you can see the history of my work
Online internet radio with a live broadcasting schedule (no longer functional project)
SMS competitions for books (no longer functional project)
www.vyhrajknihu.czVideo portal where internet users were able to store their own videos (focused on singers, musicians, sports clubs, theaters, schools)
www.zona24.czVideo catalog of companies sorted by categories, region, specialization (no longer functional project)
www.videokatalogfirem.czPhoto gallery of graffiti (no longer functional project)
Windows application written in C++. The main purpose of the application was to store sports results (automatically downloaded by one click) and then the program was able to predict sports results (probability in percents)
www.sportman-net.czRealization of live broadcasting (kestrel + crayfish). In the season of 2011 and 2012 (no longer functional project)
www.zivyprenos.czE-shop: ink for printers (no longer functional project)
Company website from 2009
www.zona24media.czAudiovisual studio (no longer functional website)
International and especially multi-genre festival (the first version of the website)
festivalekbezbojuavalek.czCompany website (no longer functional website)
Showcase of applications of which I am the creator or co-author.